Della Wren

Evolving Consciousness


It's Time to Evolve

This is a year-long program to learn to manage yourself in the experience by understanding how the story your mind tells is stopping you from taking control of your own life, making your own choices, and putting your power back in your body.
By learning to manage your perception and the story you tell, you can free yourself from that sense of powerlessness to create the life you want, heal your relationships, and feel better in your day-to-day experience.

This program is for you if...

  • You feel powerless. You're a people-pleaser. You live life by committee. You feel guilty doing things for yourself. You have lived a life almost completely for other people and now you feel stuck and lost.

  • You are ready to do the work to shift your perceptions about the experiences you have in your life, while changing how you respond to those experiences.

  • You're a thinker. You need to understand it logically to heal it, even if it's a feeling or emotion.

  • You may be still afraid of change, but... It's not a question of if you'll do it. It's only a matter of how long it'll take you to get there.

  • You're ready, willing, and able to stay in the room when the going gets tough. You have an internal, personal commitment to your own healing that you're ready to honor and move forward with but want some support in doing so.

$9 999 CAD per year or 12 monthly payments of $834 CAD.

About Me

What I'm attempting to show you how to do in this program is exactly what I did for myself! I healed my own sense of powerlessness on my own. If I hadn't done it this way, I would have given up my power to other people.
I'm an extremely logical thinker. I like to understand things. It's really important to me to have a very logical understanding of what I'm healing, why I'm healing it, and how it's going to help if I do it, before I do the work.
My logical approach to healing meant grounding the spiritual healing or heart-centered approach that many spiritual or "awakened" people take. I didn't throw out or squish emotions, I just learned to use them a bit differently so that I didn't get wrapped up in or sucked into them. I believe feelings need to be fully understood, not necessarily fully felt because I don't believe that you can cry it out. I believe ultimately everybody will need to understand why they feel what they feel. The emotion will go on forever without that understanding.
It has taken me 10 years to get to the place I'm at now where I'm grateful for the pain, the bad choices, the mistakes, the people, and the lessons that life offered me. It is logical, grounded, spiritual self-mastery that offered me my confidence, my power, and my enjoyment of life back.

I Respect You and Your Pain

Are you like me? Are you afraid you'll give up your power and re-wound yourself by working with me?
I get it! That's partially why I didn't work with anybody. I was afraid I would give up my power.
Here's the thing! I understand you. I understand your wounds. I understand why you're living that way. I respect that. I respect the choices that you make. I respect the pain that you feel because I've felt myself.
I want you to be completely comfortable with me and know that I'm not going to take advantage of your powerlessness. That's why I offer refunds. That's why there's a way out. That's why I don't tie anybody down or block the door. I want you to be okay in your own skin.
This isn't an easy wound to heal. It's not easy, but it is possible. I've used spiritual self-mastery as a means of understanding myself and how my wounds were affecting my interactions with other people. From there, I was able to begin to shift my behavior. I changed how I showed up in the world.
Yes, it challenged my wounds. But I did it anyway. I white-knuckled life for a long time with nobody to help me. But now, I'm here to help you white-knuckle life until your knees stop shaking and you can do it yourself.
As the song as, "I've got you babe." Let's talk. Reach out and send a message or get started immediately using the button below.

The Details

What You Get

The program includes:

  • 48 weekly, one hour video chat sessions.

  • Unlimited access to me on Voxer or Messenger in between sessions.

  • A welcome kit with everything you need to get started.

I'm In!

Get Started

Click the button below to get started. You will be taken to my calendar to purchase the package. Once purchased, you will get a coupon code to book your sessions for free. The calendar will keep track of the number of sessions you have used.

Do you want a Discovery Call?

You can book a free 30-minute Discovery call with me by clicking the link below. It will take you to my calendar to book the appointment.
There is no pressure to buy anything. This is not a sales call. It's your chance to ask questions so that you can make the right decision for yourself.

Disclaimer & FAQ


The results of this program are not guaranteed and will be different for everyone.
I have created a program with an advertised outcome, but in many respects I don't have control over the outcome - you do. I can point out the tree that's in your way, but I can't make you avoid that tree.
You are always in control of your choices and your life. That means that whether or not you take what I offer you is entirely up to you every step of the way.
It is partially true that you will only get out of this what you put into it. If you don't try or do none of what I offer you, then it stands to reason that you're not going to find much value in what I'm offering you. However, it is also true that I have a responsibility to give you as much value as I can in a given session, while allowing you to choose what you take on and what you don't.
So, I can promise you that I will give you 100% of everything I have to offer you in every single session we have. I can promise you that I will fully support you as you move through this healing process. I cannot promise you that you will use the program to it's full benefit, nor can I promise that I will change your life because the truth is, I will not change your life, you will change your life.
Deciding to commit to this or any program is a choice. Make that choice wisely and consciously.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Do you offer refunds?
    Yes. I simply ask to be paid for time used including scheduled sessions and Voxer or Messenger chats between sessions. My rate is $125 CAD per hour. Please reach out to me to discuss your refund.

  • How do I schedule my sessions?
    When you first sign up, I will give you a calendar link that you can use to schedule and change your appointments. If you lose that link at any time, just reach out to me and I will give it to you again.

  • What if I need to cancel or change an appointment?
    The calendar will let you cancel or reschedule appointments up to 48 hours prior to the appointment. I understand that life happens sometimes, if you need to rebook on shorter notice, please just send me a message and we'll work out a different date and time for your appointment.

  • What is Voxer?
    Voxer is a free chat app that allows us to have private discussions without trading phone numbers. My goal is to use Messenger for personal use and keep my paid work separate on Voxer.

  • What program do you use for the weekly video calls?
    I use a program called Whereby. There is no download or sign up required. The link is always the same. I generally will send the link with a short reminder of our scheduled appointments an hour or two before the session.

  • There are 52 weeks in a year, how come the program only offers 48 appointments?
    Everybody needs a vacation. It's okay to take a few weeks off and relax. I typically take 2 weeks off at Christmas and I'm sure you'll want some time off somewhere as well. This gives us a break and some breathing room! It's a good thing!

  • Why is this program so much more expensive than Take What You Need Packages?
    It's a combination of commitment level, the intended outcome, the amount of effort required, and the amount of change that can be created. Take What You Need can be very powerful. It's also somewhat non-committal and prone to changing outcomes. Evolving Consciousness is an all-in year long commitment to changing your life with full support from me. My time and energy investment in this program is far higher and yours should be too in order to get the full benefit of this program. The higher price point reflects the increased commitment.